9 September 2023, Saturday
Time 18:00
Museum – Tarnowski Castle, Sandomierska 27, Tarnobrzeg

Sweet and full of hope, yet full of pain, darkness, and sadness… Polish vocal music sparkles with various emotions and moods. The poetry of native lyricists, as well as folk texts full of simple wisdom, are compellingly reflected in the melodies and harmonies woven by Polish composers of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In the creative path of each of them, the song genre played a different role. For Fryderyk Chopin, it was a side interest, described by Mieczysław Tomaszewski as an “intimate diary”. The same can be said about Mieczysław Karłowicz, whose early songs for voice and piano were overshadowed by mature symphonic masterpieces, yet it is in his vocal works that the composer expressed his deeply hidden feelings and thoughts.

On the other hand, Stanisław Moniuszko treated songs in a completely different way, with the goal of building the widest and most universal repertoire for both professional singers and amateurs of home music making. This genre also played a primary role in the works of Stanisław Niewiadomski, an outstanding melodist who was able to combine a homely atmosphere with a high artistic level in his vocal works. Likewise, the atmosphere of Polishness is recorded in the music of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, but in the score of Six Songs op. 18 set to the poetry of Adam Mickiewicz, the virtuoso piano part takes prime over the text. First performed by the composer himself on the 11th of December 1893 during a concert at London’s Crystal Palace, it impresses with the plasticity of the landscapes and emotions painted with sounds. This unusual power of expression can be found in the song Gdybym się zmienił  (‘If I Changed’) to a text by Franciszek Morawski wrongly attributed to Mickiewicz, which crowns the cycle.



Fryderyk Chopin (1810–1849)
Wojak text Stefan Witwicki
Hulanka text Stefan Witwicki
Śliczny chłopiec text Bohdan Zaleski
Piosnka litewska text Ludwik Osiński, based on the text of a Lithuanian folk song

Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860 – 1941)
Six songs to texts by Adam Mickiewicz op. 18
Polały się łzy me
Piosnka Dudarza
Moja pieszczotka
Nad wodą wielką
Tylem wytrwał
Gdybym się zmienił

Mieczysław Karłowicz (1876 – 1909)
Po szerokim, po szerokim morzu text Kazimierz Tetmajer
Zasmuconej text Kazimierz Gliński
Z nową wiosną text Czesław Jankowski

Stanisław Niewiadomski (1857 – 1936)
Jabłonecka folk text
Stoi Jawor folk text
Koraliki folk text
Między nami nic nie było text Adam Asnyk
Deszczyk rosi folk text

Stanisław Moniuszko (1819 – 1872)
Dwie zorze text Teofil Lenartowicz
Krakowiaczek text Edmund Wasilewski
Niech się panie stroją w pasy text Julian Korsak
Miłość textWalter Scott, transl. Antoni Edward Odyniec
Kum i kuma text Jan Czeczot
Dziad i baba text Józef Ignacy Kraszewski







Duration: approx. 1 h