Baritone. Graduate of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk.
After graduation he was engaged by the Roma Musical Theatre in Warsaw. He performed in: Orfeusz w piekle (“Orpheus in the Underworld”) by J. Offenbach (as Morpheus), Piotruś Pan (“Peter Pan”) with the music by J. Stokłosa and Miss Saigon by C. Schoenberg. After several years, however, he went back to classical singing and associated himself with the Warsaw Chamber Opera, where he worked until 2017. On stage of the Warsaw Chamber Opera he appeared as a soloist in operas by Mozart, Rossini, Donizetti, Kurpiński, Moniuszko, Albertini, and Stravinsky. He’s also performed in works by contemporary composers, such as Bernadetta Matuszczak and Józef Koffler. One could see him in L’elisir d’amore, Cosi fan tutte, Henryk VI na łowach (“Henry VI on the Hunt”), Zaide, The Barber of Seville, Don Giovanni, The Rake′s Progress and Crime and Punishment.
The artist has also appeared in the spectacles Kobiety Świata (“Women of the World”) and Opera w Baśni – Baśń w Operze (“Opera in Fable – Fable in Opera”) as part of an innovative project Opera Light. Szpręgiel performs solo parts in works by J.S. Bach, J. F. Handel, P. Tchaikovsky, M. Ravel, G. Bizet, F. Chopin, J. Gall, S. Niewiadomski, Z. Noskowski, and T. Bird. There are many musical and popular pieces in his repertoire as well.
Robert Szpręgiel collaborates with many theatres and orchestras, of which one should mention the Baltic Opera, the Cracow Opera, the Chamber Opera, the Adam Mickiewicz Theatre in Cieszyn, the Lublin Philharmonic, the K. Namysłowski Symphonic Orchestra in Zamość, and the Sinfonia Baltica Philharmonic in Słupsk. He gives concerts and performs on stage in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Slovenia, and Japan. In 2013, he appeared in the Berlin Philharmonic, where he gave the concert Berlin, Broadway, New York.
The artist takes part in cultural and artistic projects produced by the Polish Television. Of these productions, mention should be made of, e.g., the “Teraz Polska” Emblem Gala Concert, the Kisiel Award, the Patrons of Europe Papal Concert, the world premiere of the Papież Słowiański (“The Slavic Pope”), a hymn to honour the canonization of pope John Paul II, the Viva Najpiękniejsi, and the Partiotic Military Songs recorded for the TVP 2 channel. He’s collaborated with the Central Artistic Ensemble of the Polish Army.
The artist takes active part in the cultural life of the capital. In his artistic work he remains open to the diversity of music forms and genres, as he believes a good artist is someone who can draw artistic energy from various sources.
He is a soloist at the Polish Royal Opera.